Alexander Fuchs becomes N 1 French Amateur Golfer

We are very proud of our alumni full time golf student, Alexander Fuchs, who became N1 French Amateur Golf player after a series of very successful tournament results. After his graduation from Prime Golf academy, where Alex had already made outstanding improvements, he obtained a golf scholarship at Liberty University in the USA, where he continues his studies and plays in division 1 university golf team. Recently Alex won a professional golf tournament as an amateur player as well as several important golf tournaments in the USA. Alex successfully pursues his goal of becoming a professional golf player and we do believe in his success. So proud of you, Alex!

Titleist and Honma Club Fitting 19 avril

Prime Golf academy organises a Titleist and Honma Club Fitting 19 avril 2019 at Royal Mougins Golf Club. Use this opportunity to fit and change your clubs with an expert of each brand. If you are not satisfied with your golf clubs, it is time to call us for an appointment! (+33 6 33 77 74 89)

Start of the Golf Tournament Season

The tournament season has started for our full time junior golf players with 3 high level golf tournaments in a row. Great start for Lucie Charbonnier with the 5th place in Barbaroux Golf Tournament and in Cap Dag Tournament. Good results in Chanalets Grand Prix with the 7th place for our American student Chloé Baylor and 15th place for Dall Leon and for our Russian golfer Eva SHMARGUNENKO. Well Done!

2019 Golf Programs Available Now

Explore our 2019 golf training programs and new options, designed to fit any golf level, from beginner to professional. New summer golf tour program is available now for advanced golfers, wishing to improve their competitive golf, by playing high level tournaments in France. Schedule your family vacations on the French Riviera and bring your golf to the next level. Watch the presentation video here.

Professional Coaching Package

For professional golf players or amateur players wishing to become professionals, Stephane Damiano and our team of experts proposes a "Pro Coaching Package" on the yearly or monthly basis. Objectives and detailed training plan totally personalised, taking into account all factors of the performance: technical, physical, mental and medical. Contact the academy for more information on

Adult Golf School on the French Riviera

The Prime Golf Academy is the leading adult golf school in the South of France, proposing you a variety of lessons and camps, from beginner to advanced level. Play golf all year round with golf camps tailored for your needs. We offer special packages for winter camps with the hotel stay, allowing you to improve your golf and enjoy a sunny and warm weather in a luxurious atmosphere of Royal Mougins Golf Resort at a reasonable price. Contact the academy for more information

Golf Biomechanical Tests

What is the best swing for you? Specialists of Prime Golf Academy propose Biomechanical golf tests to determine your best swing. These simple tests allow to adjust your swing to your body shape and to choose the most natural movement for you. To see a simple explanation of the importance of these tests by Stephane Damiano, click Tests Biomécaniques Golf

Mental Training in Golf

Why do you need to develop mental skills in golf? Simply because when playing golf at the highest level, your mental conditioning is responsible for 90% of your success. For this reason, for our full time golfers, we start the cycle of mental trainings. 1st hour in a classroom, followed by a series of practical lessons on the golf course. The main objective of these sessions is to prepare our golfers for consistent performance and to help them to deal with the pressures and unexpected events and, as the result, to improve their overall golf experience.

Putting Instruction with David Orr

Our head coach Stephane Damiano has just attended 2 days training with some of the world best putting coaches as David Orr and Paul Hurrion to get updated on the latest advances in putting and the latest researches, based on observations of the world best professional golf players. Impatient to share some new tips with our student.

2nd place for Morgan Mouret in Béziers Golf Tournament.

Congratulations to our full time golf student Morgan Mouret fro the 2nd place in Béziers Golf Tournament with the total score of -2. We continue improvements with Biomechanics golf tests and the weight transfert analysis with Smart2move force plates.